
Yes she can!

My favorite words spoken by Boston's very distinct and tiny feminine voice right now are: "Oh! I need to go potty!"

After running out of her diapers last week I decided to take a serious leap of faith with my Boo Bear. I've been putting off what was probably due months ago, with very good reason I feel. She's not the neatest child I have. I am still fearful of the clogged toilet I'm sure will come, nasty public restrooms she'll insist on using, touching of toilets I have not cleaned or other disasters I dare not utter. But for now she's doing much better than I thought. I'm very proud of how well she's caught on, especially since I just had the carpet cleaned and we have had zero accidents on it (knock on wood, it probably helps that towels are everywhere). She's even been accident free in public. I'm especially impressed that she's grasped my methods of madness, because mommy has done no research. This is all on the fly: by Alisha P. Chang.