
g-pa & bossy

cute cute cute...

christmas party...

Christmas party at the Pixtons...

christmas morning...

Christmas morning at our house...

christmas eve party...

Christmas eve at our house- dinner and gift opening

pre-christmas party...

Gifts from the Labans...


chi's prayers

Malachi has been giving our family prayer and it goes something like this:

Malachi can you give us the prayer? "Yep"

Do you need help? "Yep"

Dear Heaven Father... "Fart"

We thank thee for this day... "Daay"

Thank thee for our family... "Fam-me"

Thank thee for daddy... "Daddy"

For mommy... "Mommy"

For boston... "Bart-tin"

For grandma... "Gone- ma"

For grandpa... "Pa- pa"

For aunties and uncles... "Eg- go"

We leave this prayer with thee, in the name of Jesus Christ... "Jees"

Amen... "A-men"

So if he were to give us the prayer on his own, it would sound something like this: "Fart daay fam- me daddy mommy bart- tin gone- ma pa- pa eg- go jees a-men."

Sometimes, Malachi just says bunch of names like, "Daddy, mommy, pa- pa, ya- ya, Gavin, Scarlett, Rina, Amen."


slow wintery day

Church was canceled due to the weather, so we decided to take some family pics...
We also had the Coatneys and the Enyarts over for some hot turkey, bacon, peppercheese, and mushroom sandwiches, tonight along with delicious tortellini soup and cookies. Good times was had by all. We want to thank the good families for their willingness to brave the weather to join us in this winter Sunday night. Good night...

white sunday

Snow fell down last night and this morning it was still going. It wasn't too bad in the afternoon but the snow just didn't stop. I shoveled the driveway twice to no avail. I hope I can get into work tomorrow. Here are some pics to illustrate the impact of the weather...


more snow...

It's been snowing... To put it in perspective of how much it has snowed, it took me 120 minutes to drive 12 miles (from work to home)... One of my co-workers at work asked, "isn't it beautiful?"as we looked out of my office window in reference to the snow coming down and my reply was, "yeah, it only looks pretty if I'm home watching it from my living room window..." let me repeat- it took me 2 full hours... I never went faster than 2o mph... Traffic... Stupid all-wheel trucks... Well, I'm home now and guess what? Snow does look beautiful...



feels like Christmas...

It snowed! At last, the whiteness engulfed us and wrapped our souls with the warmth matched to its intense coldness. Luckily the world didn't stop, as we headed to church. I actually did something new at church- i got to bless the sacrament bread, surprisingly with an even tone and comfort only afforded by feeling the spirit. i enjoyed it very much and would like to do it again. i've never been into Christmas much but mormon influence has taken a hold of me and now i thoroughly enjoy leaving treats on people's doorsteps and listening to spiritually-high music. don't get me mistaken though i still enjoy a good game of halo 3... tonight we went to our ward fireside and spent time with our ward family. another show of my Christmas spirit. ice cream was abundant and good times shared by all. however, driving through the snow and ice .35 mile back home was a bit frightening. fortunately, we got home unharmed. i got venison ribs and salami complimentary from my good families i home teach waiting for me. thanks all, have a wonderful pre-christmas week.
okay boston is next....


not bad eh....
no clippers but fear not, i used a pair of scissors and a comb, coupled with a prayer and...

hair... lots of hair...

it's time for a haircut...


bullet points

its suppose to snow this weekend. it'll be bos' first white world...

i taught my last research methods course this week- all i have left is to grade the finals & papers...

alisha is feeling under the weather but still looking beautiful...

chi is still awake...

life is fun...

its time for the Dark Knight...



my blog

so is the purpose of a blog to update people about one's life? sounds tedious and consuming. i don't think i have the knack for it but here i lay with my laptop typing away, hoping to be inspired to write something creative but nothing comes to mind. so i guess i'll record the event in progress. right about now, chi is falling asleep dragging along alisha into a deep somber. chi has not mastered the art of sleeping alone yet, so one of us, usually alisha has to sleep on the floor until chi falls asleep. oh, oh, i just heard chi's foot stomping... guess they are still at it.


Pics of Chi & Bos

We are still here

Hey all, its been awhile since I last wrote but a good friend of ours (Brian & Jamie C.), whom we had dinner with tonight, reminded me about this blog, and so I felt slightly obligated to write, in the off chance that BJC checks in and I don't want to disappoint them. Anyways, here goes, we've had a great winter so far, got the xmas tree up, presents mostly bought, and working hard . More recently, we had dinner with the Coatney's tonight. They served us delicious ham, baked potatoes, and corn. It was very nice. Tomorrow night, we are going out to pass out holiday treats with the Coatneys for select families in the ward. I'm not sure who yet, but I guess we will figure that out later. K, I think that's my update. Oh yeah, kids are doing well and so is Alisha. She recently ran in a 5k Turkey Trot and she has set a goal of running a half-marathon by summer. Malachi is toilet training and Boston is standing and very close to taking her first step. K, enough said, out...