
The Auto Show

So Johnson was dying to go the Auto show this year and was just going to take Chi with him, but somehow convinced me to go too, which i'm glad he did bc it ended up being a lot of fun. The best part was watching Chi's eyes light up as he discovered the one and only "Bumblebee". He was a little hesitant at first to sit in him, but then I think he realized that he wasn't going to transform.

This kid was attracted to all the fast and expensive cars. A little too early for that kind of taste. One day buddy!
Another fast and expensive car.
And another...
For some reason he felt he was the only one that deserved to get close to the stingray!
Car taste must be something else Chi has aquired from his daddy! Lucky me.
Boston was just as bad, actually she really loved any car. I think she threw about a dozen tantrums bc we wanted to move on or she couldn't get in a certain car. When she was in them she crawled all over the place and I finally had to take her shoes off bc it was driving me crazy to see her stepping on nice leather of $80K cars...yikes!

There we go something economical, reliable and cheap to maintain. My kind of car.

Actually I lied, deep down inside my heart truly desires a cadillac escalade and this one was "fuel effecient"...right! Although my love for this vehicle was a little tainted when Tamu told me that every time she sees one of these she can't help but think it's a drug dealers car. I guess it doesn't help that they keep adding more and more chrome to the exterior.

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